Alberta Dealer Network Expansion


Elmer’s Manufacturing is striving to become the leader in customer-focused manufacturing while providing excellent sales and service at a standard that you expect. Elmer’s has expanded its dealership coverage to now include Vanee Farm Centre and Battle River Implements Ltd. The expanded dealer network will provide exceptional sales & availability of products, services, and support to meet customers’ expectations. 

The Alberta dealer network now includes: 4 Battle River Implements Ltd. locations, 3 Vanee Farm Centre locations, 3 Robertson Implement locations, 2 Fosters Agri World locations, 2 Tingleys locations, KNM Sales, Peace Country Equipment, Kubota Farm and Ranch, R.A. West, Trochu Motors, Linden Agri-Center and Central Alberta Precision Seeding, in which all dealers will sell the full line of products; Haulmaster Grain Cart, Super 7 Harrow, Wolverine Ditcher, Ravage Bale Processor and  Transfer Tracks . All existing warranties will be honoured for units purchased through a different dealership. Current and future customers should direct any product, part, warranty, or service inquiries to their closest dealer (map below).

For any questions, feel free to reach out to your closest dealer or contact us through email ( or call 204-324-6263.

Battle River Implements Ltd Tingley’s Harvest CenterKNM SalesFosters Agri WorldPeace Country EquipmentKubota Farm and Ranch
ProvostVegrevilleBarrheadBeaverlodgeDonnellyLa Crete
WainwrightLloydminster Fairview  
Robertson ImplementsVanee Farm CentreR.A. WestTrochu Motors Ltd.Linden Agri-CenterCentral Alberta Precision Seeding
Medicine HatLethbridgeVulcanTrochuStettlerPonoka
TaberHigh River    

Alberta Dealer Locations Map

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